Comic Book / Comics

Is Snow White a Comic Book?

Many people are familiar with the story of Snow White, a classic fairy tale that has been adapted into various forms of media throughout the years. One question that often arises is whether or not Snow White is a comic book. In this article, we will explore the origins of Snow White and its various adaptations to determine if it can be classified as a comic book.

Origins of Snow White

The story of Snow White originated in Germany in the early 19th century. It was first published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812 as part of their collection of fairy tales. The original story tells the tale of a young princess who is forced to flee from her evil stepmother and take refuge with seven dwarfs in the forest.

Adaptations of Snow White

Since its publication, Snow White has been adapted into numerous forms of media including films, television shows, plays, and even video games. One popular adaptation is Disney’s animated film “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” which was released in 1937.

Another popular adaptation is “Fables,” a comic book series written by Bill Willingham. The series features various fairy tale characters including Snow White as they navigate their lives in modern-day New York City.

Is “Fables” Considered a Comic Book Adaptation

The answer to this question is yes. Although “Fables” may not follow the exact storyline of the original fairy tale, it still falls under the category of comic books as it utilizes sequential art and dialogue to tell its story.


In conclusion, while Snow White may not have originated as a comic book, it has been adapted into various forms of media including comic books such as “Fables.” Ultimately, whether or not Snow White is considered a comic book depends on the specific adaptation in question and how closely it follows the traditional comic book format.